
Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra

Doutorandos em Arte Contemporânea

Ludmila Queirós

Ludmila Queirós (1979), is a Portuguese multimedia artist (based on visual art and installation) and also a researcher. Currently attends the first year of a PhD in Contemporary Art, at the Colégio das Artes, University of Coimbra, Portugal.   She is a researcher at ID+, Design, Media and Culture Research Institute. Master in Contemporary Artistic Creation at Communication and Art Department, University of Aveiro, with the project “Visual Recital: Listening with the eyes” (2019).  Graduated in Information Systems Management at Higher School of Business Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (2017). She also works as a cultural promoter in "Espaço Cultural da União de Freguesias de Souselas e Botão, Coimbra. Was responsible for the Project "Bail'AR" that organized periodic gatherings of different Arts in "Salão Brazil" (Coimbra) with the possibility of seeing Concerts or Exhibitions (Multimedia Art, Instalation, Photography, Painting, Sketching), Dance, take Workshops (for adults and children), participate in open Talks with the artists present. Also made several productions of cultural events in the field of fine arts, dance and music. Besides this does content management and freelance photography and video work. Was selected as one of the Portuguese emerging artists of 2019 by an international jury to integrate the "Portuguese Emerging Art 2019 (PEA2019)" published edition, wish was presented in "Fundação Serralves", Oporto (Portugal) and "Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado", Lisbon (PORTUGAL) - Organized by the association EMERGE. Presented and published articles in the Conferences [AVANCA | CINEMA 8th International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication] and [# 18.ART: DA ADMIRÁVEL ORDEM DAS COISAS: art, emotion and technology ”] and participated as a speaker at TedX 2015 Coimbra , whose motto was “It is necessary to change” with the communication “Defying Challenges”.  She has exhibited her work since 2014, highlighting the performance "Recital Visual: Escutar com os Olhos | Mulher'ES", at the "Laboratório das Artes - Teatro da Vista  Alegre", Ílhavo and solo exhibitions “O Caminho do Moleiro [quem me dera que fosse o pó da estrada]”, at the Cine Theater Alba, in Albergaria a Velha and "EPHÉMERA" at "Estação Viva", in Estarreja; the collectives “Silêncio?” at the Saint Joana Museum, Aveiro and "Save as..." curated by Mário Afonso at Casa da Cultura de Estarreja. Recently she participated in the first digital residency - the OCA international artistic residency (1st digital version) - “Transmetatlanticus”, Brazil / Portugal, produced by the association EMERGE in partnership with Casa Niemeyer - University of Brasília. +info: www.ludmilaqueiros.pt


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