
Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra

Doutorandos em Arte Contemporânea

Salome Lamas

Salomé Lamas (1987, Lisboa) estudou cinema em Lisboa (Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema) e Praga (Filmová a Televizni Fakulta Akademie Múzick’VCH V Praze), Artes Visuais MFA em Amsterdão (Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie) e é doutoranda em Arte Contemporânea em Coimbra (Universidade de Coimbra). O seu trabalho já foi mostrado tanto em espaços dedicados à arte quanto em festivais de cinema tais como Berlinale –  Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, NIMK –  Netherlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Roma,  BAFICI, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, FIAC, MNAC – Museu do Chiado, DocLisboa, Cinema du Réel, Visions du Réel, MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Pacific Film Archive, Harvard Film Archive, Museum of Moving Images NY, Jewish Museum NY, Fid Marseille, Arsenal Institut fur film und videokunst, Viennale, Hong Kong Film Festival, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Serralves – Museu de Arte Comtemporânea, Tate Modern, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève, Bozar  –  Palais des Beaux-Arts, TABAKALERA, ICA – The Institute of Contemporary Arts,  Mostra de São Paulo, CAC  –  Contemporary Art Center Vilnius, TBA 21 Foundation. Lamas recebeu diversas bolsas, tais como The Gardner Film Study Center Fellowship – Harvard University, The Rockefeller Foundation – Bellagio Center, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Sundance, Bogliasco Foundation, The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD. Colabora regularmente com a produtora O Som e a Fúria e é representada pela Galeria Miguel Nabinho – Lisboa 20. www.salomelamas.info FATAMORGANA  [em pré-produção] • FATAMORGANA [2017] (peça de teatro) • EXTINCTION / EXTINÇÃO  [pós-produção] • UBI SUNT I [2017] • UBI SUNT II [2017] (instalação video em colaboração com Christoph Both-Asmus) • UBI SUNT III  [2017] (instalação video em colaboração com Christoph Both-Asmus) • COUP DE GRACE  [2017] • HORIZON NOZIROH [2017] (instalação vídeo em colaboração com Gregorio Graziosi e Christoph Both-Asmus) • …RIOTS AND RITUALS [2016] (instalação web) • THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD [2016] (instalação video) • ELDORADO XXI [2016] • A TORRE [2015] • MOUNT ANANEA (instalação video) [2015] • NORTH: TRIAL BY FIRE (instalação video) [2015] • LE BOUDIN [2014] • THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM [2013] • TERRA DE NINGUÉM / NO MAN’S LAND [2012] • A COMUNIDADE / THE COMMUNITY [2012] • ENCOUNTERS WITH LANDSCAPE3X [2012] • VHS – VIDEO HOME SYSTEM [2010 2012] • GOLDEN DAWN [2011] • IMPERIAL GIRL [2010] • JOTTA: A MINHA MALADRESSE É UMAFORMA DE DELICATESSE [2009] (co-directed with Francisco Moreira)   Bio/Filmography Salomé Lamas (1987, Lisbon) studied cinema in Lisbon (Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema) and Prague (Filmová a Televizni Fakulta Akademie Múzick’VCH V Praze), visual arts MFA in Amsterdam (Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie) and is a Ph.D candidate in Contemporary Art Studies in Coimbra (Universidade de Coimbra). In a fertile occupation of ‘no man’s land’ Lamas attempts to dissolve the apparent border between documentary and fiction; with an interest in the intrinsic relationship between storytelling, memory, and history, while using the moving image to explore the traumatically repressed, seemingly unrepresentable, or historically invisible, from the horrors of colonial violence to the landscapes of global capital. – Lamas’ has since 2009 been working with time-based image both on films that tour the festival circuit and that occasionally obtain commercial distribution, video installations aimed to be showed at art institutions and museums, she lectures master classes, facilitates workshops, takes part in artist talks and juries, is a visiting lecture at art universities and in 2017 she presents her first stage creation. Her work has been screened both in art venues and film festivals such as Berlinale –  Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, NIMK –  Netherlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Roma, BAFICI, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, FIAC, MNAC – Museu do Chiado, DocLisboa, Cinema du Réel, Visions du Réel, MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Pacific Film Archive, Harvard Film Archive, Museum of Moving Images NY, Jewish Museum NY, Fid Marseille, Arsenal Institut fur film und videokunst, Viennale, Hong Kong Film Festival, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Serralves – Museu de Arte Comtemporânea, Tate Modern, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève, Bozar  –  Palais des Beaux-Arts, TABAKALERA, ICA – The Institute of Contemporary Arts,  Mostra de São Paulo, CAC  –  Contemporary Art Center Vilnius, TBA 21 Foundation. Lamas was granted several fellowships such as The Gardner Film Study Center Fellowship – Harvard University, The Rockefeller Foundation – Bellagio Center, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Sundance, Bogliasco Foundation, The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD. www.salomelamas.info filmography FATAMORGANA  [in production] •  EXTINCTION  [2017 - post-production] • FATAMORGANA [2017] (theatre play)  • UBI SUNT I [2017] • UBI SUNT II [2017] (video installation - in collaboration with Christoph Both-Asmus) • UBI SUNT III  [2017] (video installation - in collaboration with Christoph Both-Asmus) • COUP DE GRACE  [2017] • HORIZON NOZIROH [2017] (video installation - co-directed with Gregorio Graziosi in collaboration with Christoph Both-Asmus) •…RIOTS AND RITUALS [2016] (web installation) • THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD [2016] (video installation)  • ELDORADO XXI [2016] • A TORRE [2015] • MOUNT ANANEA (video installation) [2015] • NORTH: TRIAL BY FIRE (audiovisual performance) [2015]  •  LE BOUDIN [2014] •THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM [2013] • NO MAN’S LAND [2012] • A COMUNIDADE [2012] • ENCOUNTERS WITH LANDSCAPE3X [2012]  • VHS [2010-2012] • GOLDEN DAWN [2011]  • IMPERIAL GIRL [2010] • JOTTA: A MINHA MALADRESSE É UMAFORMA DE DELICATESSE [2009] (co-directed with Francisco Moreira)


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